Chalkboard Hearts

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolution

New Years Resolution Time
Every year at this time the whole world... ok not exactly the whole world, but a lot of people decide to make these promises to themselves to do or achieve something. Well, I am one of those people. I fall into the trap every year, pour over my options, buy whatever it is I might need (under the guise that I MUST have it to achieve this goal) and then start full steam ahead. Do I succeed?? Nah... like most people I don't tell anyone about it, maybe my husband (but does he really count?) and when I get to tired, stressed out, or irritated I give up. My husband tries to get me going again, but as soon as I get bratty (a nicer word of course) he backs off.
This year I am going to do it again... but this year will be different. I am posting about it. Some of the people who read this, actually see me in real life and will ask me about it, see if it is working, etc... I now have more people out there to help me. To help me hold fast to my goals.
My New Years Resolutions:
  1. Lose weight.... yes, of course isn't this always on people list... how cliche right, but it needs to happen. I won't be joining any gyms, I won't be buying anything new... I have it all. Now I need to use it.
  2. Get closer to my spiritual side. I now God is there for me. I know, I believe and I have faith, I have seen Him at work. But I want to provide my boys with a model that follows a spiritually moral path, not just someone who picks and chooses when it suits her.

That's it. I want to combine those 2 things into my life style. I believe if I do this, all other areas of my life will also fall into a peaceful place.

Wish me luck... I will definitely need it. I am one who gets sidetracked often, I go with the flow to a fault and I need to change things up in my life a lot. So, my goals need to take into account all those things to be able to reach them. We will see...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!

We have made it... the presents were put out, cookies for Santa, Reindeer food for the Reindeer. We were awaken at 7:30am, which was ok, except I think the kids were actually up much earlier than that. The kids had a lot of fun opening presents and having a great time with their Aunt & Uncles and Grandparents. I think they were crazy with over stimulation and didn't know which way was up. The toys and food were totally to much :) That being said... talking to the kids last night and today about the Reason for this Special Day was nice. Even Ryan could tell me about the Nativity and Jesus' Birthday.
Oh... we watched the movie The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, by Barbara Robinson. We read the book first last week and I sent away for the DVD and oh, it was so cute. We sat together after everyone left and enjoyed the movies and the Christmas Message it had. The book was great, but so was the movie (even if it was from the 70's).
So... the year is coming to an end. We will begin talking about the new year, resolutions, and what the New Year may bring.

From Our Home to Yours
Merry Christmas and Blessings to All

Monday, December 14, 2009

Quiet Time

We started a new book last night for our nightly quiet time... well, really we decided to read this one together as a family instead of letting the boys read their book on their own. We have been talking about Christmas, of course, and I have been trying to get the kids in the spirit of giving... not just receiving. Of seeing things as half full, not half empty. Not just because Santa is watching, but because it is what Jesus would want from us. To strive to be the best we can. So... I remembered a book I read as a kid... The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, by Barbara Robinson. I thought it was the funniest book ever, but I also remember thinking both about how it would feel to live near the Herdmans and how it must have been to BE the Herdmans. So, I got the book and we started to read it last night. The big kids have heard it already, but they jump on the bed as fast as Luke to hear it again. Luke hasn't heard it yet, and seems to be enjoying it. It is a really good book for the Christmas Season, especially if you have a house full of rowdy boys like I do. One thing, I am happy my kids aren't the Herdmans and secondly, I am glad that the boys see that it could be worse... they could have the Herdmans as siblings :)
They also can see how giving... not just presents, but time, love, understanding can be a bigger and better present than most of the things we find under the tree. That we are lucky to have what we have, when so many don't. Now, don't get me wrong... they are still young, rowdy, selfish (in a good way) boys... but I see them thinking, even if they pretend not to :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa Anyone??

Santa is coming and my boys are excited!! Luke has decorated, set up his list, & now has even decided to BE Santa!! He is definitely ready to be done with school and get on to the Holiday Cheer. He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of not only Santa, but his Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt & Uncles. We talk about all we will do, food we will eat, and places we can go. I hope everyone is ready for a few busy days.
My goodness though, will you look at that playroom behind him :) I didn't realize how messy it was. I know it was probably because I was out and Dad was home and let them make a mess :) What a sight!!
We will have to begin all the wrapping and getting things done so we can enjoy a great time when family gets here. We are planning a trip to Zootastic, a drive through light show, which we have heard wonderful things about and the boys can't wait to go. You can see Santa, roast marshmallows, and drink hot cocoa... a little boys dream I think. Just the coziness of it sounds great, I am sure it will be pretty cold though. Oh well...

***Note to all... Our Own Little Santa happen to love that picture... but asked that I not put it out in cyperspace... as he does have his reputation to protect. It could be accessed sometime in the future just when he was trying to ask that special someone out... We don't want anymore angst for our children if we can help it... so that is why I decided to take the Santa photo down!! But it was cute while it lasted :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our 2009 Christmas Tree

Ok... we went to the Christmas Tree Farm, got our Tree, got out the ornaments, went down memory lane... but where is the Tree?? Well, after Luke took some random decorating shots, we got a picture of it.

Helping Dad... Learning what it means to be the Dad :)
Doesn't seem like they mind either.

Getting some use out of the Perfect Swiss Army Knives from Aunt Linda and Uncle Gary

Ryan wants to help too... Thanks Dad!!

Standing back to admire... Wow, It's Big!!

Our 2009 Christmas Tree
The kids were so excited to get to decorating, but they pooped out rather quickly so the tree stands kinda bare right now. I told them that Grandma & Grandpa were coming soon so they had better get it ready!! This weekend they said!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Christmas Ornaments mean a lot to so many people... to me they mean history. To see that every year someone saved the most precious and cute ornaments to hang on the Christmas Tree. All those little reindeer, Santa's, mittens, pictures... those are some of the things our children look forward to. They each have their own box, of their own ornaments. Ones in which they made or were given. They love looking at them each year, talking about who they received them from, when, etc... They know when they get their own house, their own tree, their own families that box will be theirs to take with them. Until then they are mine, and I can look at them and remember their small little hands making them or as they get bigger their large hands holding them. All those little hand prints I received as they grew... what treasures they are now.

My Twins are getting so big... they will be bigger than me soon. I am already starting to not be the center of their world anymore. I have a poster they gave me for Mother's Day when they were maybe 5 or 6, and it said..."Mom, The Center of Our World" What a fleeting time that is. They grow so quick. I lost Jack at a festival the other day... it hit home how fast they grow. I was frantic... he is 11yrs old, I know he just got disoriented, but that little piece of me just panicked... was he afraid? No. Was he worried? No. Did he know he was going to find me? Yes. He was just hoping he wouldn't get in trouble. There was a time that all he would have wanted was me. Now he knows what to do. I know, I know... We have taught him well, We have given him the wings to fly... blah, blah, blah... doesn't make me feel any better :) I was afraid, I was worried... I can't keep them safe all the time anymore. I can't anticipate their next moved. I pray that God's Hands protect them and show them the way. I pray He gives me the strength to get through this next phase of their lives.

Ornaments... a little glimpse into the past. Little did I know that they would hold so many memories... Like I always tell the boys, "You won't understand until your a Parent yourself." So keep those special little mementos... pass on the stories and make sure they know them well... because someday their children will enjoy seeing Daddy's tiny hand print on a piece of paper hanging off the Christmas Tree.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Tree Farm

We went to get our Christmas Tree this weekend!! We had a wonderful time. We found a Choose & Cut Farm not far from our home and the kids were finally excited to have some family time together!! When we got there we realized that they only had White Scotch Pine tree's and since we never had that kind of Christmas Tree before were kind of apprehensive about it. Our only other choice was to go into the Mts. and that wasn't an option... so off to find our tree we went!!

The boys had a great time running, playing tag, and touching every tree they could. We found one right away, but that would have been to easy... off to the farthest part of the farm we went in search of the Perfect tree... of course the first one was the one we got. We walked all the way back to the front of the farm and cut our tree down. We had to camera's and of course those pictures are on the other camera... so I will try to figure out that camera and upload those photo's later today!! It is a beautiful tree... I can't wait for you to see it!!!
Have a great day!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Beautiful Charleston, SC Harbor!!

We got to spend some time in Charleston, SC with my Dad... we had a wonderful time with lots of history. One of the boys took this photo and the tranquility of it just sums up my feelings about our trip. Our trip to the USS Yorktown was fun and a little boys dream with all the boats, submarine, and airplanes!! We took a ride to Fort Sumter, another interesting place... a lot to learn and a lot of history. I wish they had more information on the women during this time, but it was definitely very interesting...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Happiness

We have decided this year to split up for Thanksgiving... As kids we spent Thanksgiving with my Mom and it was a huge affair. We had people in and out, lots of food and lots of fun. It will be a quiet Thanksgiving this year. Half of us will stay home with Papa, and half will go to NY to visit the other set of Grandparents. We will all have different experiences and enjoy the holiday in different ways, but in the end it is the thought and thankfulness we feel at this time of year that matters.

We are Thankful to have our Grandparents to enjoy the Holiday with. We are lucky to be able to visit and make memories with those special people in our lives. They can pass on stories and special moments that can be passed on to our children and their children. That is what this Holiday means to our Family.

The boys have received a Holiday Package from Grandma!! What lucky boys they are to get chocolate and money :) How loved they are, how special they are... it is wonderful to have Family!! I hope it is a memory that will live on in them as they grow and have children of their own and grandchildren of their own. That they will follow the examples of their grandparents.
Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009



I look at them and fall in love all over again. That feeling of overwhelming maternal love when you first meet your child, it can still come back when that same baby is much bigger, smeared with green face paint, and standing in the rain waiting to go Trick or Treating!! I love being a Mom, especially to these 4 bOYs!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Picking

We decided to go pumpkin picking last weekend. We have a little farm stand around the corner, we had fun. It was a little chilly, but the colors were beautiful and the pumpkins were just screaming to come home with us.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

NC Mountains

We took a family getaway to the NC Mountains this past weekend. What a relaxing time. 2 of the boys came down with the flu, but it turned out OK since we were there to relax, watch movies, sleep and just kinda hang anyway. We did a lot of all of those things. It was a beautiful place, the views were gorgeous, and we even had a neighbor that allowed the boys to feed the fish in their ponds. I think that was a definite high point. There was also a creek, camp fire, and lots of time together. We all needed it. It was nice to get back to being a family.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Great Looking Boys

We loved going to Aunt Linda's and Uncle Gary's Wedding. I think I had the cutest kids in the world... but of course I am a little bias :)
The kids had such a great time dancing, I don't think we had 1 tantrum, pout, or cranky moment. We had 4 great boys... we were very lucky!!
I think what impressed me the most was when people would come up to me and tell me what little gentlemen they were, or how great they were on the dance floor. As a Mom I was in such glory... all those fights, teaching moments, and parenting books seem to be paying off. They really are great boys!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Crazy We are crazy right now... we have baseball, school, karate, & church school. We can't seem to get into a routine where we can do school work, make dinner, baths, and/or family time all in a night. We seem to be running, running, running!!! One place to another. I am happy school is in, although the kids spend a lot of their time complaining. I want to keep my cool, and usually do, but man they are just so bad. How bad can it be?? We all went to school, we had homework... is it really so much worse now??? Are they being so overloaded that they can't find happiness in school??? I want them to enjoy school, find relaxation in reading, and find fun in their friends... it seems like that isn't the case. Oh... what to do, what to do??

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dinner Out

We went out to dinner with just 2 of the kiddo's this past week... L picked Big League Hot Dog for dinner!! What a great choice!! We had a great time and the food was good too!! Thanks L for picking a great family place!!

Even R had a good time... He was getting hungry waiting for his food :)

L showing me what all the memorabilia was and what it stood for. He loved looking at the old baseball gloves and trying to find Mets Baseball Cards... A little Boys Dream restaurant :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to Life

I completed my first day back to work with ALL the kids. I am exhausted but it was a good day. I am feeling better... Thanks Susie!!! I am just tired. My nose is still stuffy, but it is starting to break. I am hoping the boys don't get it for the first day of school. That would be a bummer.

The boys aren't really excited to go back to school. I always remember being soooooo excited to get back to seeing all my friends, homework (in the beginning), & just getting out of the house. I was always bored stiff by the end of the summer. Now, the boys are always saying they are bored, but it isn't school they want to get back to, it is trips, amusement parks, camping, etc... I told hubby that we shouldn't do so much with them during the summers anymore, they are getting spoiled ;)

They are excited about back to school sneakers. Their Papa gets them their sneakers each year and it is a big treat for them. He tells them they have carte blance (did I spell that right??) and can pick out whatever they want. They drag me to every shoe and sneaker store in the mall. By the end I am exhausted and tired of the indecision... but I guess for them this is a huge decision. The right pair of sneakers can make or break a 6th grader. I think they all did good... nice sneakers, fit each of their personalities, and didn't cost my Dad an arm and a leg, not that he would care, but I do.

So, tomorrow we are getting are school laptops. That will be fun. Trying to keep track of them, and what they are doing on them... ARGH!!! I hope the school has put enough nanny guards on them. I hope soooo. I tell you all about them after tomorrow. We will go to our 2hr long lecture on how to use them and such... boring!!! I think these kids know what to do with them, but I guess we need to go anyway. To make sure they know the consequences for doing something bad with theirs. We have the next 7 yrs of using them, I wonder if the program will last that long, or if they will update the laptops eventually. Like, does the School Board know that laptops or any computer becomes a dinosaur after a couple or so years?? We will see...

I will end with a picture of my boys... All of them!!! We had a great time just walking around CitiField... Boys and Baseball, ya gotta love it!!! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hot & Sick

I am sick... I have a cold, no big deal. I just hate having a stuffy nose, a runny nose and feeling like nothing taste right. I am tired, but not really. I can't sleep during the day, but I can't sleep at night. I pray my daycare Mom's and Dad's don't think I will pass this cold on, but of course I will. I wash my hands a million times, try not to kiss, cough or breath on them :) that ain't happening though... I can't help it. I make the kids wash their hands, use the antibacterial hand sanitizer, and wash their hands AGAIN... I think one of the kids washed his hands 1000 times today. I can't wait to see my water bill.
So, I will take my medicine again tonight, hopefully get a halfway decent nights sleep, and be better tomorrow.
Now... the weather!! It was soooooo hot today. Upper 90's. It was all we could do to go outside. The pool water was like bath water, but at least it gave the kids some relief. I filled the little pool in the yard, put out some buckets and filled the little sensory table with water for my littlest one. She loved it!!! She banged, slapped, poured & splashed for as long as her little heart felt the need... She was very cute. I am glad I can provide such opportunities for the children in my care, as hard as it is sometimes (especially on sick days)... it is worth everything!! I love my job... both as a mom and a childcare provider!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer Blues

I have been thinking more and more lately that as much as I love summers, I can't wait for it to be over. It is hot!! Very, very hot. The kids are bored, they don't want to go outside, and a board game in our home doesn't last for one game before I find all the pieces strewn around the house. They don't even want to go to the pool... How can that be??? Only last summer that is
ALL they wanted to do... we couldn't get there enough... Is it the old adage that you don't want what you already have??? It must be. I just wish they wouldn't give me such a hard time. Boys are tough.
I want them to have a good time, but I seem off my game. There is no routine to follow, no set wake up, play,eat, play, rest, eat, family time, eat some more, bed time. I seem to be in a river... always paddling in the wrong direction... these boys tired me out the same way. Fighting... the way they fight sometimes. I get so tired. I now know why our parents look at us like we have 10 heads when we tell them all the things we think they did wrong... it is all in the perception of the situation. They think their Dad and I favor one or the others at any given time. You ask one and he says we spoil the other... then the littlest one gets to much dessert, or the middle one gets to sleep over someones house (which MUST mean we love him the most) My Gosh... Parents Can't Win!!!! I have a much better understanding of my parents... I know now that they did the best they could and we (my sisters and I) would have found something wrong with their parenting skills no matter what they did. That is just how it is... kids will see a situation as they want to see it... no matter what really happened!!!
I just hope summer comes to an end soon and school gives us all the routine we crave... but yes, you know I will be complaining about school, homework, & the strain of keeping it all together!!! But we will save that for another day!!! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weigh In

Well, I did it... I weighed in... I was hoping it wouldn't be a 10 lb gain while I was away, but I knew it could be. I moved, I ate, and I drank (some). I know I should have moved more, but sleeping in was so much more appealing. I was up and about on MOST days by 9am, but I would still just get my coffee, sit with my Mom or sister and sip and talk. How wonderful that was. I loved it. I miss them so much. My Dad came up to visit and I was lucky enough to be able to sit with him on some of the mornings and have coffee, I guess it was just the sitting and relaxing part that was so appealing. I don't get to do that here, I feel like I sit a lot, but my mind never relaxes. I have this beautiful backyard, but it always seems to be to hot to sit outside with my cup of coffee. If I go in front, it is still to hot, but at least no sun in your face. So, now I just need to go about creating the tranquil Adirondack environment that I find sooooo relaxing.
Of course, having 10 rambunctious preschoolers and school-agers running around does put limitations on that tranquility.

Oh, so back to the weigh in.... 157lbs. I gained 4 lbs while away. I of course went out for dinner with Beth for her birthday and ate way to much, but isn't that what friends do??? Especially on special occasions??? Well, that's what we do!!! Most of the time. I will now indeed go back to getting up, walking or doing my 30 lb Shred. I still have a dress to fit into in a few weeks. I must, must work on getting back to 153 or even 150 would be my goal by September 6th!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Camp Pics!!

We are HOME!! We had a great time... it was much colder in NY then in NC. The first few days it was actually so cold we could see our breathe at times. It did start to warm up though.
We started out right after work on Friday and headed to Long Island to see Grandma and Grandpa!! Then we headed up North for some fun in the Mountains!! We love the Mountain Air and the crystal clear Lakes.

Here we are getting ready to go!! Yeah!!!

Picking blueberries from Grandpa's Garden!!

Although we miss Shea... Citi-Field was a sight to see!!

Gotta love the METS!!!

Beach Time for Brothers!!
Quiet time at the beach.

A little Candy Bar Bingo at the Rec Hall!!

Gorgeous Sunbathers!!

Fun, Fun, Fun

A little 4-wheelin anyone??

Some games at the Lodge with Aunt Kimmy

Tennis with Mom!!

C caught a fish... but didn't know how to take it off... Thanks Aunt Kimmy!!

All the kids on the fishin dock

Here is our camp... we rented it and it was located right next to my sister!! We had a great time!! The boys loved the freedom of running in the wild at all hours of the day and night. There wasn't many boundaries and they could just relax at the lodge, swim at the beach, fish, play at the playground, or just hit the trailer for some movie time. We had our fair share of smores, camp fires and enough soda and snacks to last a long, long time. We can't wait to go back next year!!! Another year older and more fun to be had!!

Friday, July 17, 2009


We are at camp... it is the most glorious time. I have my sister and my nieces and nephews, my children and my parents!! We are enjoying the Adirondack Air, the smell of the camp fire and eating anything you can grill...
Yes, my "diet" is taking a hit, but I have been walking, swimming, playing tennis with L and all around running after the kids. I try to get up and going at least a few times a day, but am so not worried about it. This is vacation and what is vacation without a few Mike's Hard Lemonades, a beer or two, or a glass of wine. I am enjoying everything about it this year.
So, I will post some photos as soon as possible and let you see everything!! Have a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Day Like Any Day...

I am sitting here looking at my toes... I love my toes!! I got a pedicure today at the nail place in Walmart!! YEAH!! I wish I had my camera.. Beth, Tracy & I went and it took forever!!! At one point I thought Tracy was going to fall asleep in her chair waiting for the lady to get to her. It was hard to talk to one another because they have the chairs set so that 2 are close, then a space and then 2 more, etc... well it made for uncomfortable talking... Plus, the whole Michael Jackson thing was on the big screen TV... but none of us knew what was going on and kept asking each other questions... the lady kept answering them for us... She was a wealth of Michael Jackson Information... Poor Thing!!! I am just glad we got it done before I went up to Camp with Kimberly. Got to have them stylin toes ya know... I am getting anxious and excited. I hate packing, driving & most of all leaving after I get there. I love my home, I love my friends, I love where I live... but being away from family is hard. Especially when we get 2 weeks of fun time... you forget what everyday daily life entails... and you want to stay longer. I will begin to miss Glenn and we will hopefully get to visit his Mom on our way home... It will be a busy 2 weeks I think :)

Tomorrow I take the daycare kids & Ryan to the Lake for the morning... I think they will like it. We go to the pool a lot and they love it, but after a while it gets boring. If kids show up to play with them they love it and don't want to leave, but if not, then it is a constant... When are we leaving Shell??? I think this will be a nice distraction and it goes nicely with our Water Themed Week... I am also getting Ryan ready for our time at the Lake!! Now I need to go get all the stuff ready so we can get out the door by 9:30 tomorrow morning... I know I'll be ready, will the parents have the kids here on time?? We shall see :)!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Weigh In

OMG... I can't believe I forgot to post about my weigh in... this week I came in at 153 lbs...

I was very happy and can see the difference in my cloth's fitting better and just the overall look of me... I am excited!!
I don't know if you can tell, but I feel like I have lost quite a bit of weight in my face... I still have that double chin, (neck) but that is something that runs in the family and I just hope if I lose more it will be a little better... but I may have to live with that. I think I can, if it gets a little better!! Which it should... So, I need to keep on track for when I am away for vacation. I am going to the Adirondack Mts. with the boys, where we camp with my sister for 2 weeks. I am very excited, but need to stay on track with my diet.

Field Trip Friday!!

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We went on a Friday Field Trip... To The Lazy 5 Ranch and the kids really enjoyed themselves. They didn't like the fact that I wouldn't buy them soda after lunch, but other than that we had a good time.

Why do kids do that?? I wonder sometimes... we have a great time, we had lunch, with Juice Boxes, and I know they weren't dying of dehydration. Yet, because I said no... we had to fuss the rest of the time while looking at the other animals and gardens that the Ranch has to offer. I was mad, embarrassed & wanted to scream. My friends kids were so good, she said No, they fussed, she gave "the look" and that was that... my "the look" didn't work. My boys continued to pout until we left. ARGHH!! Oh well... that's parenting huh!!!

We get ready for Religion Camp, not VBS, but a week long intense summer camp that the kids attend instead of going to Church School once a week during the school year. I bring the little one each Sunday, but I couldn't get the other 3 boys into a class at the same time, and I am sorry I didn't want to go back and forth to 3 different time's all day Sunday... or during the week. So, we opted for the camp... it is fun, tiring, and done in a week. Which is good and bad. I like that the boys get to go once a week during the school year, I think they retain more of what they learn. But, with 4 kids, the daycare, tutoring, karate & each child in a different time frame or day... not gonna happen. It tires me out just thinking about it.

Next week we will be running boys to camp, having daycare, and packing for our summer trip to the Adirondack Mts. It will be a fun week!!! Hopefully I will find time to take some pictures...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I figured it out... why didn't I think to just type in "link tutorial" on the Google Search engine?? Sometimes I baffle even myself. But I finally figured out how to link to another blog. I can type in the stuff I need to and be able to let people know where to find some of the GREAT idea's I get from the many, many, many Mom Blogger's out there who are interested and excited about educating their own children and other's!!! I have found so many great things and I am excited to be able to implement them into my life... both with my own kids and my daycare kids. Keeps me busy!! Though, I can get pretty preoccupied with surfing the web for more blogs about teaching young children in a home setting. I thought there would be sooooo many more of us, but I seem to find mostly those who teach in a preschool setting within an organized company or church. But the idea's they have are great... I just wish I had the access to their supplies.
Being a home daycare, I can't seem to find a grant or such to help off set the cost of new playground equipment, art supplies, or sensory table... we would love to have a light table... but at $290 a pop... it will take me a long time to get that money. I need a new rug in the family room (due to daycare wear and tear) and extend the hardwood in the playroom/classroom as the rug in there is getting worn fast... those are priorities before the "extra" supplies. Getting there is half the fun. Anyway.. off topic again!! :)
I am off to go to bed, as I have 4 boys who will be awake before I know it!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weigh In

Well, the girls and I weighed in again today... I actually thought the scale was broken today. I got on and it said I was 154.5 lbs. No way. I haven't exercised at all, except running after the daycare kids, going to the pool and running and swimming after them there too :) But, I haven't been to the gym, or done my 30 day shred in probably 2 or so weeks. I just knew I was going to be gaining this week. So, I made Beth bring her scale over and we tested the two. Her's is 1 lb higher than mine. That being said, she said I probably still lost the 2 lbs, because mine is the scale we were using. Risa lost the same amount on my scale as well as Beth's, so I think it is safe to say I lost 2 lbs this week. YEAH!!! I am so happy.
I have had a stressful week, so I know that has something to do with it. I have been very anxious and not hungry. I have to make sure I don't forget to eat, or my body will go crazy again. I will keep making myself eat, just the right things and not the wrong. Or eating because it soothes the emotional stain we are all going through right now.
But for now, I will take the loss and be happy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Blog

I have started a new blog. It will be just about the Daycare. I am excited to have a place now for writing about Tot School, summer fun, and curriculum ideas. I can keep my family stuff for this blog and the school/kid stuff for that blog...
It is Kozy Kids Family Daycare... but I had to use for my web address... I sooooo need to figure out how to add that into my post. I have some addresses and links under my blog list, but I want to be able to let people link from my post... if anyone knows how to do that... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!

That is my first blog (and only so far). Hope everyone has a Great Week!!! Mine has started off great... a date night with hubby... both J & L's baseball teams made it into the post season playoffs, and my daycare kids love the new summer playroom!!! We go to the early, cheap movies on Wednesday and it is supposed to be hot this week... so lots of time at the pool!!! I think this week will pass fast!! Take care!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weigh In

I weighed in today........... 157lbs!!! WOW!! I am so surprised! I didn't think that I lost anything this week. I have been soooooo bad about exercising. Plus, I have been kinda splurging on some not so healthy foods. I know I should be eating better, exercising... but I don't feel like it!!!! I want to lie in my bed and sleep in the early morning and sit my (getting fatter again) butt on the couch at the end of the work day. ARGHHHH!!! I am so disappointed in myself. I feel like if I had just done some more exercising I could have lost at least a pound. Why do I do that???
So I will go to The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans... and try to get some inspiration, and maybe find a exercise buddy to chat with or just be accountable to. So when I hit that snooze button in the morning, I actually get out of bed instead of turning over because I will have to tell someone at the end of the day that I didn't work out.
I will get up right now, put the leash on the dog and get my butt off the couch. Then I won't feel so bad about not getting up this morning. I also need to look into healthy crock pot meals so I can have dinner waiting when the daycare kids go home, because I just don't have it in me to make a big healthy dinner after a long day. So that is what I will do. A short term plan... because I need to take it hour by hour from now on.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Sadness

Summer is upon us and that means that the kids begin spending time with Mom and Dad at home. Most of the daycare kids Mom's are teachers and I won't see them until mid August. I will miss them terribly. After spending so much time with these children, 8 or more hours a day, 5 days a week... you really start to feel like they are family.
Yesterday was the last day for 4 of my "kids." I miss them already.
I Miss:
1. The Laughter!!
2. How they were in constant motion.
3. How they felt like this was their home.
4. The Snuggles
5. The Friendships they formed
6. The sound of my name from a 2 yr olds mouth
7. The Hugs... so many hugs everyday
8. "I Love You" said to me at least 5 times a day, everyday!!

I know they will have a great summer with their parents, and I will get them back in 2 months time, but for now I need to transition myself into not having all those things for the summer. I will spend my time giving and receiving love from my own 4 children and reconnecting with them after these long months of sharing with the daycare kids. I look forward to that.
But anyone who has worked with young children, knows what I am going through right now.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tot School: Week in Review

Well, Tot School this week enveloped a whole lot of chaos!! We did so much outdoor stuff, I think that I was so water-logged by the weekend I didn't want to see water for a week.

Here the "Big" kids are teaching the Tot's how to go down the slide into the water pool. A fun time was had by all.

Here Little M was looking for her toys... she has a cookie that the kids hide for her and she goes and finds it... She loves it and is surprised every time she finds it. The Tot's love it and laugh and laugh each time she has that surprised look on her face.

I have been wanting to do this activity for so long. I keep reading it on different blogs... not sure which ones, sorry, but I loved it. We didn't have the right heavy weight paper, but we loved it anyway. The Big's & Tot's worked together to make the Shaving Cream Prints and then they made them into cards to send home on the last day of Daycare for some of them. The Big's wrote for the Tot's and they all had a great time. They also loved playing with the Shaving Cream after the prints were done.

We walked to the Community Pool in our neighborhood this week each morning. We all did a great job, and the Big's were a lot of help with the Tot's while walking. Especially on the way home, when all the Tot's were tired and hungry. That pool really wiped them out and they slept through everything each afternoon.

We have a big pool and a kiddie pool, we used both. The Tot's tolerated the kiddie pool, but wanted to spend the whole time in the big pool. We had upward of 8 Tot's that day (To 2 adults and a 16 year old helper) so we were able to take them in the big pool for a little while, but not long enough. They had a great time regardless!!

We also took the crafts outside this week. We had a field day and thought that the play-doh table would give the kids a nice quiet area to relax if they wanted to. It was great. We had a lot of great creations and a lot of fun was had. We also made Chocolate Play-doh, recipe from Preschool Daze, and I can't believe how much fun they had with it. Even the Big's loved it and played with it for a long time on and off throughout the day.

Here is the creation that A (28mths) made. I was very proud of him. Playing with the dough was great enough, but making this "monster" was even better!!

Lastly, here is shot of part of our field day. We also had horse shoes, bowling, badminton, and the water activities. We had a field day picnic and the kids had a blast. I am sorry to see some of my kids leave for the summer (their Mom's are teacher's), but will enjoy the low number of kids I will have and the ability to take them on field trips to the park, museums, & pool this summer. Plus, I will be able to spend some quality time with my own children and give them some of my undivided attention :)
Have a Great Week!!!!