Chalkboard Hearts

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans Challenge

I haven't been bloggin for a while, been very busy getting our Spring Program for the daycare off the ground and hoping the parents loved it!!! I think they did. I would show the pictures, but I haven't asked the parents yet if they care to be in my posts.
Ok.. on to the "Challenge" I visited the blog... The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans and they are having this great challenge. I need to lose 10 to 15 pounds and really want to be held more accountable to someone besides myself or my sister. She has kinda been weaning herself off of the calling me and waking up, so I have been bugging her to get going. I hope she does. But for me, I think this is exactly what I need.

Ok, here I am with the family after my 8yr old made his 1st Holy Communion. I tried to get behind the little guy, but I didn't make it. I can't find any pictures of me... the WHOLE me. I am always behind someone, only the head shot, etc... I am tired of that and that is why I am going to do this challenge!!! I need to do it!!! For myself and my kids!

Here I am at least covered by that great big sweatshirt. I think one of my boys took this photo. If I had known I probably told him not to, but I am glad he did or you would have thought i never went on a family vacation. Sad really. I try to get more photos with me in them, so my children actually think I was a participant in their youth :)

I weighed in this morning... I was 161lbs. Wow... I can't believe I wrote it down. I think I will be doing the 30 day Shred w/ Jillian Michaels. I also go to the gym 2x's a week to do some cardio and they have Fittlinks... a strength training circuit thing for beginners like me. I also try to eat walk whenever I can. Mornings or at night with the dogs or a friend. Now that the pool is open... I hope I can swim a little too. I am exhausted just writing about it, but I am committed to doing this.

I want to lose at least 10lbs in this challenge... I will work hard to do it... and with the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans I think I can. I will try to provide a link, but if I can't figure it out you can click on their button on the side bar.


  1. I am praying to have my jeans shrink this summer too, I am with you!

  2. Thanks Julie... thanks for helping me stay motivated!! If you can get to that gym with all that is going on in your life... I know I should be able to!! Thanks!!
